white plaster pool finish
white plaster pool finish

Swimming pools are beautiful just for the sake of looking at. A neglected pool is more sad than any other feature in landscaping. It is best to avoid your pool that has become neglected and not to jump in.
Most people will hire someone to do the job, but others may try it themselves. This is a difficult task, but it can be done if you have the time, tools and knowledge.
Once the primer has dried you can apply the topcoat epoxy, or resurfacing product to the pool. You should paint the pool from the depths to the shallows, according to the manufacturer's recommendations. The topcoat should dry completely before you apply your next coat. You should sand your pool between coats in order to make sure the next layer sticks properly. The average pool needs between three and four coats. This may take a few hours, or even overnight depending on how hot it is.
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