marcite pool
marcite pool

The good news? Once the pool is tiled, it won't require resurfacing for at most twenty years. With proper upkeep, it will probably last a lot longer.
Consider painting your concrete or fiberglass pool instead of resurfacing. You can water-blast the old paint and then spray on a new coat with epoxy paint (such as Nu-Pool), that should last 7-10 years. Acrylic or rubber-based paints can also be used but are not as durable as epoxy paint.
Retiling can also be used to restore your pool's life. This process is similar to indoors. A scratch coating is applied, tiles and grout are laid, and then the pool is re-opened. Tiling can be a time-consuming and expensive process depending on how large your pool is. It can give you elegant results.
pool resurfacing near me