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diamond brite midnight blue

Plaster, unlike fiberglass, reacts with pool water over its life span. Therefore, more chemicals may be required to maintain the proper water chemistry. You can counteract this problem by adding a "filler" to your plaster mixture.
I personally wouldn’t apply a fiberglass coating because I don’t want to breathe the stuff when applying. The catalyst for isophthalic resins is Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK) – no Bueno! You are probably okay rolling on an epoxy. Just beware of fumes or gases when applying coatings in unventilated areas.
Many tools are required to resurface a pool. Most homeowners don't know how to use them. This is a labor-intensive job that can prove dangerous if you don’t have the right knowledge. You may have to redo the whole job if something goes wrong.
pool resurfacing near me