diamond brite pool finish
diamond brite pool finish

Vinyl liners can be replaced at a cost of between $1,000 and $3500. This includes labor and material. If the vinyl pool has become dry and brittle, it is best to have it completely replaced. You may spend as much as $4,500 if you include additional costs like refilling the pool, and restocking chemical.
Prep work: This will depend on the pool's condition. You may have problems later if you don't do the prep work correctly.
After the preparation is complete, a second coat of plaster is applied as needed. This type of plaster is called exposed aggregate plaster. It's a mix between plaster and colored sands. Pebbles. Or glass beads. The exposed aggregate is considered a final surface. However, the plaster is usually covered in paint (often epoxy, rubberized, or epoxy formulas), or fiberglass.
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