sgm pool plaster
sgm pool plaster

When applied by a skilled installer fiberglass can be a good choice. Both pros and consumers are dissatisfied with fiberglass, mostly because of poor or poorly installed installations. Costs for fiberglass resurfacing range from $5 to $7 per sq.ft.
Concrete shells made from Portland cement-based materials are most commonly used for in-ground pool construction. Plaster, which is a sealant and protector of the shell, is what is known in the pool trade. The plaster may be painted, epoxy or fiberglass coated. The plaster can also be used for tile substrate.
Although plaster is more costly than paint, it provides excellent protection and gives your pool a classic look. The majority of pool plaster is made from cement, water, and sand. Some higher-end mixes include marble aggregate. A medium-sized pool can be refinished with plaster for as little as $7,000 to $10,000, although it is not difficult. However, the coating needs to be maintained.
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